Griestu difuzori ir paredzēti pašplūsmas ventilācijai, zema un vidēja spiediena ventilācijai un gaisa kondicionēšanas sistēmām kā pievades un izvades pārsegi. Tos ierīko pie taisnstūrveida ventilācijas vadiem, sajaukšanas kamerām un iekārtajiem griestiem. Gaisa plūsmu regulē ar aizvaru ar pretvirzie...
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Andrius Lekarevičius

+370 606 11865

Latvijas tirdzniecības pārstāvja vietnieks Saņemt piedāvājumu
Attention! We do not stock SAW-POL ventilation components, all products from this supplier are custom made and delivered to the customer directly from the manufacturer's warehouse. We are sorry but for this reason we can not accept orders for individual goods, we only accept orders for the high quantity of SAW-POL products.
Noklikšķiniet uz modeļa: parādīsies tehniskā informācija, izmēri, piederumi
ANP - ceiling type, rectangular form, manufactured from powder coated steel, RAL9016 color
ANP/301x245/4-way External dimensions 301x245 mm, opening dimensions 181x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.015 m²
External dimensions 301x245 mm, opening dimensions 181x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.015 m²
ANP/357x245/4-way External dimensions 357x245 mm, opening dimensions 237x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.020 m²
External dimensions 357x245 mm, opening dimensions 237x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.020 m²
ANP/357x301/4-way External dimensions 357x301 mm, opening dimensions 237x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.025 m²
External dimensions 357x301 mm, opening dimensions 237x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.025 m²
ANP/412x245/4-way External dimensions 412x245 mm, opening dimensions 292x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.025 m²
External dimensions 412x245 mm, opening dimensions 292x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.025 m²
ANP/412x301/4-way External dimensions 412x301 mm, opening dimensions 292x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.033 m²
External dimensions 412x301 mm, opening dimensions 292x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.033 m²
ANP/412x357/4-way External dimensions 412x357 mm, opening dimensions 292x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.037 m²
External dimensions 412x357 mm, opening dimensions 292x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.037 m²
ANP/469x245/4-way External dimensions 469x245 mm, opening dimensions 349x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.033 m²
External dimensions 469x245 mm, opening dimensions 349x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.033 m²
ANP/469x301/4-way External dimensions 469x301 mm, opening dimensions 349x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.041 m²
External dimensions 469x301 mm, opening dimensions 349x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.041 m²
ANP/469x357/4-way External dimensions 469x357 mm, opening dimensions 349x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.047 m²
External dimensions 469x357 mm, opening dimensions 349x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.047 m²
ANP/469x412/4-way External dimensions 469x412 mm, opening dimensions 349x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.055 m²
External dimensions 469x412 mm, opening dimensions 349x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.055 m²
ANP/498x245/4-way External dimensions 498x245 mm, opening dimensions 378x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.037 m²
External dimensions 498x245 mm, opening dimensions 378x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.037 m²
ANP/498x301/4-way External dimensions 498x301 mm, opening dimensions 378x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.045 m²
External dimensions 498x301 mm, opening dimensions 378x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.045 m²
ANP/498x357/4-way External dimensions 498x357 mm, opening dimensions 378x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.051 m²
External dimensions 498x357 mm, opening dimensions 378x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.051 m²
ANP/498x412/4-way External dimensions 498x412 mm, opening dimensions 378x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.060 m²
External dimensions 498x412 mm, opening dimensions 378x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.060 m²
ANP/498x469/4-way External dimensions 498x469 mm, opening dimensions 378x349 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.070 m²
External dimensions 498x469 mm, opening dimensions 378x349 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.070 m²
ANP/595x245/4-way External dimensions 595x245 mm, opening dimensions 475x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.047 m²
External dimensions 595x245 mm, opening dimensions 475x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.047 m²
ANP/595x301/4-way External dimensions 595x301 mm, opening dimensions 475x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.060 m²
External dimensions 595x301 mm, opening dimensions 475x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.060 m²
ANP/595x357/4-way External dimensions 595x357 mm, opening dimensions 475x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.065 m²
External dimensions 595x357 mm, opening dimensions 475x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.065 m²
ANP/595x412/4-way External dimensions 595x412 mm, opening dimensions 475x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.080 m²
External dimensions 595x412 mm, opening dimensions 475x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.080 m²
ANP/595x469/4-way External dimensions 595x469 mm, opening dimensions 475x349 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.092 m²
External dimensions 595x469 mm, opening dimensions 475x349 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.092 m²
ANP/595x498/4-way External dimensions 595x498 mm, opening dimensions 475x378 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.098 m²
External dimensions 595x498 mm, opening dimensions 475x378 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.098 m²
ANP/625x245/4-way External dimensions 625x245 mm, opening dimensions 505x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.051 m²
External dimensions 625x245 mm, opening dimensions 505x125 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.051 m²
ANP/625x301/4-way External dimensions 625x301 mm, opening dimensions 505x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.063 m²
External dimensions 625x301 mm, opening dimensions 505x181 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.063 m²
ANP/625x357/4-way External dimensions 625x357 mm, opening dimensions 505x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.072 m²
External dimensions 625x357 mm, opening dimensions 505x237 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.072 m²
ANP/625x412/4-way External dimensions 625x412 mm, opening dimensions 505x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.086 m²
External dimensions 625x412 mm, opening dimensions 505x292 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.086 m²
ANP/625x469/4-way External dimensions 625x469 mm, opening dimensions 505x349 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.098 m²
External dimensions 625x469 mm, opening dimensions 505x349 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.098 m²
ANP/625x498/4-way External dimensions 625x498 mm, opening dimensions 505x378 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.103 m²
External dimensions 625x498 mm, opening dimensions 505x378 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.103 m²
ANP/625x595/4-way External dimensions 625x595 mm, opening dimensions 505x475 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.125 m²
External dimensions 625x595 mm, opening dimensions 505x475 mm, 4 directions air flow, effective area 0.125 m²

Griestu difuzori ir paredzēti pašplūsmas ventilācijai, zema un vidēja spiediena ventilācijai un gaisa kondicionēšanas sistēmām kā pievades un izvades pārsegi. Tos ierīko pie taisnstūrveida ventilācijas vadiem, sajaukšanas kamerām un iekārtajiem griestiem. Gaisa plūsmu regulē ar aizvaru ar pretvirzienā novietotām latām GP, kas atrodas tieši aiz anemostata, vai ar vienplātnes aizvaru P sajaukšanas kameras savienojuma atverē. Ar šiem difuzoriem gaisa plūsmu var vērst uz kādu no 1, 2, 3 vai 4 pusēm. (Piemēru skatiet modeļa AN kartē.)

Anemostatiskās pievades difuzoriem ir higiēnas sertifikāts HK/K/0522/01/2016.

Izmantotie materiāli, uzbūve

Anemostatiskie difuzori ir izgatavoti no galvanizēta lokšņu tērauda, kas krāsots ar pulvermetodi; standartkrāsa ir balta (9016). Pasūtot var izvēlēties pulvertehnikā izpildītu krāsojumu jebkurā RAL paletes krāsā, kā arī īpašu variantu no nerūsīga tērauda vai alumīnija.

ANP taisnstūrveida anemostatiskās pievades difuzors
Atbilstības deklarācijas 858 KB
Katalogi 179 KB
Hygienic certificate 1.1 MB