Diffuser, for supplying large amount of fresh air at low velocity, semicircular form, designed for mounting directly onto round ducts, made of double coating perforated sheet, powder coated agreed to RAL 9016 color, connection spigot diameter Ø630 mm, width 1400 mm, depth 700 mm, height 2000 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Vai jūs interesē šis produkts? Sazinieties ar mums:

Andrius Lekarevičius

+370 606 11865

Latvijas tirdzniecības pārstāvja vietnieks Saņemt piedāvājumu
Attention! We do not stock SAW-POL ventilation components, all products from this supplier are custom made and delivered to the customer directly from the manufacturer's warehouse. We are sorry but for this reason we can not accept orders for individual goods, we only accept orders for the high quantity of SAW-POL products.
Noklikšķiniet uz modeļa: parādīsies tehniskā informācija, izmēri, piederumi
NW-p - for supplying large amount of fresh air at low velocity, semicircular form, designed for mounting directly onto round ducts, made of double coating perforated sheet, powder coated agreed to RAL 9016 color
NW-p/G/125/700/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø125 mm, width 450 mm, depth 225 mm, height 700 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø125 mm, width 450 mm, depth 225 mm, height 700 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/160/700/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø160 mm, width 550 mm, depth 275 mm, height 700 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø160 mm, width 550 mm, depth 275 mm, height 700 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/200/1000/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø200 mm, width 600 mm, depth 300 mm, height 1000 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø200 mm, width 600 mm, depth 300 mm, height 1000 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/250/1200/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø250 mm, width 710 mm, depth 355 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø250 mm, width 710 mm, depth 355 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/315/1200/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø315 mm, width 900 mm, depth 450 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø315 mm, width 900 mm, depth 450 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/350/1200/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø350 mm, width 1100 mm, depth 550 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø350 mm, width 1100 mm, depth 550 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/400/1200/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø400 mm, width 1100 mm, depth 550 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø400 mm, width 1100 mm, depth 550 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/500/1200/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø500 mm, width 1200 mm, depth 600 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø500 mm, width 1200 mm, depth 600 mm, height 1200 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
NW-p/G/630/2000/RAL9016 Connection spigot diameter Ø630 mm, width 1400 mm, depth 700 mm, height 2000 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base
Connection spigot diameter Ø630 mm, width 1400 mm, depth 700 mm, height 2000 mm, air is supplied in a radius of 180°, without bottom base


Modelis: NW-p/G/630/2000/RAL9016

Pusapaļā modeļa gaisa nomaiņas difuzorus NW-P izmanto rūpnieciskos ierīkojumos un sabiedriskās telpās, kur nepieciešams piegādāt lielu daudzumu svaiga gaisa. Gaisa pievades ātrums ir lēns. Gaiss darba vietu tuvumā vai vietās, kur uzturas cilvēki, tiek pievadīts lēni – ar ātrumu no 0,2 m/s līdz 0,6 m/s. Ja notiek dzesēšana, tad piegādājamam gaisam jābūt par 4 – 6 grādiem vēsākam, bet sildot maksimālā temperatūras starpība ir 9 grādi. Pa visu difuzora virsmu izpūstajam gaisam ir zema turbulence, un tas viegli aizstāj veco gaisu darba vai cilvēku uzturēšanās vietās gaisa apmaiņas atveru apkārtnē.

Gaisa nomaiņas difuzoriem ir higiēnas sertifikāts HK/K/0522/02/2016.

Apraksts, izmantošanas veids

Difuzori ir izgatavoti no perforēta lokšņu materiāla, kam ir pusapaļa forma un aizmugures daļa no galvanizēta tērauda; tiek krāsots ar pulvermetodi visās atzītajās RAL paletes krāsās. Pieplūdes atvere un difuzora pamatne ir izgatavota no galvanizēta lokšņu tērauda, kam ir pulvertehnikā veidots pārklājums RAL paletes krāsā pēc izvēles. NW-P modeļa difuzori ir paredzēti ierīkošanai sienā pie taisnstūrveida vai apaļas formas gaisvadiem. Piedāvājam izgatavot difuzorus arī pēc klienta individuāli norādītiem parametriem un vajadzībām.

NW-P pusapaļais gaisa nomaiņas difuzors
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